#295 Anthony Cafiero - Meta Pizza

It's always a great conversation with Anthony Cafiero, who has a diverse background cooking in Portland. From his early days before Nostrana, to his Tabla Bistro tenure, to Racion, to vegan ice cream and a number of pizza gigs, Chef Anthony recently opened his own place, Meta Pizza in Portland's Brooklyn neighborhood. We talk about that cooking history, what he's learned, and how Meta Pizza came about after his job shifted in Micah Camden's organization during the pandemic.

Mostly importantly, according to host Chris Angelus, there WILL be white clam pies in 2022!!!

Find Anthony at @metapizzapdx and make sure to visit metapizzapdx.com to order.

Right at the Fork is supported by:

Zupan's Markets: www.zupans.com
RingSide Steakhouse: www.RingSideSteakhouse.com