#314 Rex Robertson - Salem's Cozy Taberna and Little Lois

Salem native Rex Robertson joins us to discuss his exciting new restaurant, Cozy Taberna, that just opened in a few months ago. We follow Rex's journey from falling in love with his father's A&W Restaurants in Salem as a kid, to working in finer dining over time and realizing hospitality was for him. He and his wife Lois bought a hallmark deli in Salem and turned that into the popular Little Lois, which is now humming along. They brought partners into that business and decided it was time to try something bigger. Rex found a big restaurant space in a downtown Salem alley and were then introduced to both John Gorham and Ryan Magarian, both who made their marks in Portland over the years. Both consulted to help develop the menu and the bar program at Cozy.

Rex talks about his relationships and what excites him about Salem. We'll get his suggestions of things to do in Salem as well as some of his other favorite local restaurants.

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Zupan's Markets: www.zupans.com
RingSide SteakHouse: www.RingsideSteakHouse.com 
Portland Food Adventures: www.PortlandFoodAdventures.com