#355 Bruce Porter - ChefStable's Midtown Beer Garden

Bruce Porter joins us to talk about his journey in the Portland hospitality industry toward his new position heading up ChefStable's new Midtown Beer Garden, a sophisticated good cart pod outside Expensify's new headquarters.

Bruce managed some of Portland's iconic properties, from Oba to Ringside Hospitality Group prior to establishing his own consulting business.  As the pandemic hit, Bruce ran into some very challenging health issues. We discuss how he managed his emotions and optimism throughout the long  ordeal.

The Midtown Beer Garden is slated to open in late July, 2024.

Right at the Fork is supported by:

Zupan's Markets: www.Zupans.com
RingSide Steakhouse: www.RingSideSteakhouse.com
Portland Food Adventures: www.PortlandFoodAdventures.com