#393 Tommy Habetz -- Bunk & Pizza Jerk - - reflects on Naomi Pomeroy and how he's doing since he landed in the hospital in 2022

Tommy Habetz is one of the most significant people in the Portland food world.  Having learned his craft from the likes of Mario Batali and Bobby Flay, he made his way out to Portland and found himself in the middle of an exciting time in the early days of Portland's burgeoning food scene.  He worked with Naomi Pomeroy at both Ripe and Gotham Tavern along side some other chefs and restaurateurs who would go on to accomplish great things as Portland became a hotbed of culinary talent.  Now, over 20 years later, Tommy owns and has built some of the city's most notable spots: Bunk Sandwiches, Bunk Bar, and Pizza Jerk.  In December of 2022, he suffered a brain aneurysm, which landed him in the hospital for four months.  He still hasn't returned to work at his restaurants, and isn't sure when and if he will.

Tommy was gracious in agreeing to come on the podcast with us to share his memories of Naomi Pomeroy, not long after her tragic death in a rafting accident.   He also talks about his big health scare, how it's changed his life and outlook as well as what he's up to and what's important to him now.

Right at the Fork is supported by: 

Zupan's Markets: www.Zupans.com 
RingSide Steakhouse:  www.RingSideSteakhouse.com 
Portland Food Adventures: www.PortlandFoodAdventures.com